We believe we are claimed by love by
the living God and called to be disciples
by the Holy Spirit, and we are committed
to making an effective witness in the name
of Jesus Christ.
Grounded in the biblical narrative and
nourished by the Reformed tradition, we are
challenged by the urgent and continually
unfolding needs of our changing world.
Nurtured by the community of faith
and empowered through prayer and
praise, confession and thanksgiving,
we are sent forth to heal the sick, to
feed the hungry, to teach the Word of
God, and to proclaim the Good News
of Jesus Christ.
Our witness is expressed in crowded cities and remote
villages, on suburban streets and family farms.
Our ministry is done through congregations where faith
is lived out in daily work and worship, nurture and outreach.
from the promise of birth to the last breath of the dying, our
churches encircle people with care.
Our witness is expressed as we advocate mercy and show
compassion, remembering the words of our Lord: Truly, as
you did it to one of the least of these, my brothers and sisters,
you did it to me.
We seek reconciliation in our families, in our communities,
among different races and ethnic groups, between women
and men, old and young, rich and poor. We promote justice
in the halls of government and in economic systems, and we
strive for harmony among nations around the world.
Our ministry is shaped as we learn from Scripture and from our historical confessions, by the rich diversity within our family of faith and by examples of sacrifice and celebration in the church universal.
Through listening and learning, we build mission partnerships,
sharing mutual empowerment which leads to an authentic
missionary presence in today's world and a prophetic vision of tomorrow.
Our witness is made throughout the whole world as we respond to Jesus Great Commission with new vigor and proclaim with bold actions and creative strategies that the Good News leads to abundant life in Jesus Christ.
We are the Presbyterian Church ( U.S.A. ), a covenant people- a servant people- a mission people. As responsible stewards, we joyfully return to the work of ministry a portion of the many blessings which God has entrusted to us. In doing so, we thankfully reflect upon our past and look with hope to a future when all Gods people will be one.